Restaurant & Quilla, menu


Sharing is living…

– Potatoes and Seaweed Salad (tapa/dish) 
(sea lettuce, wakame, salicornia, prawn, smoked tuna, olives, potatoes, garlic and mayonnaise with manzanilla sherry wine and seaweed) 7/12€

-Pork rinds from Cádiz (tapa/dish ) 7/12 €

– Mussels from Galicia in their own juice (6ud./12ud.) 8 /15 €

– Cod liver foie with toast 9 €

– Somked sardines over guacamole, lime mayonnaise and seaweed red roe 17€

– Iberian 100% bellota ham from Huelva (100g.) DOP Jabugo 24 €

– Candied and fried artichoke flowers with ham cream (min. 2 uds)  11

– Goat cheese Emborrao, Payoyo , Manchego
(50gr. tapa / 100 gr. dish) 7 / 12 €

-Taste of three cheeses  (Emborrao, Payoyo , Manchego) 150g. 17 €


Salads on my beach

Catalina: Tomatoes, confit of cod, avocado, cheese, drill oil and gherkins 15 €

Quilla: Marinated and smoked salmon, cured red tuna, arugula, lamb`s lettuce, cherry tomato, our secret pistachio vinaigrette and cheese flakes 18€

Gades: lettuce, palm artichokes, langoustines, egg-free coconut mayonnaise, cherry tomato, pineapple and hard-boiled egg 15 €

Our gourmet hamburgers

20/30 min.


Classic: Potato roll brioche bread, certificated Retinta beef, smoked bacon, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomatoe, onion and pickle relish, served with our homemade burger sauce ( simple 130 gr/double 260 gr) 14 € / 17 € 

-Truffle: brioche bread, certificated Avileña beef, crunchy Cádiz pork rinds, smoked cheese, caramelised onion cook with PX, luttuce, tomatoes and served with our homemade gravy souce and black truffle carpaccio ( simple 130gr / double 260 gr) 17 € / 20 € 


*All our burgers are served with lettuce, tomato and homemade fries.

Bruschetta with the best home-baked bread

– Smoked tuna on salmorejo 10 €

– Iberian cured ham with manchego cheese and tomato marmalade 10 €

– Cod with gratinéed garlic mayonnaise 10 €

– Pork belly with creams of payoyo cheese and pepper 13 €

– Grilled goat cheese with pistachio and tomate pesto 9 €

– Smoked sardine with olive jam 10 €



Minimum 2 people and 30 min.

– Seafood rice, price per person 20 €

– Black rice with cuttlefish, price per person 20 €

Enjoy our sea

– Gratin cod loin wuih seaweed bechamel an chamomile mayonnaise 20 €

– Premium cod loin (grilled) with crispy leeks on a bed of hummus 20 €

Almadraba wild red tuna

 White loin specialties

– Tartar with truffle carpaccio on flat coal crunchy bread served with wasabi and kimchi creams 20 €

– Spicy tuna cubes on marine chimichurri 18 €

– Grilled ventresca /ith Sherry wine & prawns. 28 €

– Grilled tarantelo /ith Sherry wine & prawns.) 26 €

– Tataki Wrapped in sea lettuce with yondu sauce 25 €

– Sashimi 25 

Enjoy our meadows

– Acorn-fed Iberian Pork Belly DOP Jabugo 23 €

– Acorn-fed Iberian Pork Presa DOP Jabugo 23 €

– Acorn-fed Iberian Pork lagarto DOP Jabugo 20 €

Sweets temptations

– Chocolate Coulant / with ice-cream 6 /8 €

– Homemade payoyo cheescake 7,5 €

-Artisan ice cream  (two scoops ), flavored: 7.5 €

          Pedro Ximénez la Duquesa with raisins

          Payoyo cheese with Pedro Ximénez

          Turron ( Nougat )

-Artisan ice cream for children (one scoop ), flavorsd chocolate or vainilla 4,5 €

Bread and mini breadsticks (per person) 1,6 €

If you suff er from any allergy or food intolerance, tell us and we will inform you.

VAT incluided.